I just had to rescue some beets from our Victory Garden because they were positively begging to be eaten! So, I brought them into the kitchen. The only problem? I have little experience with beets.
After scouring the internet, I found recipe after recipe calling for wrapping them in aluminum foil and peeling the skin off after the roast.
However, I wanted my beets to be directly exposed to the heat for maximum roasty goodness, and I definitely wasn’t in the mood to fuss with peeling.
In the end, I decided to rough chop the beets (skin on, baby!), toss them in olive oil and sea salt, and roast ’em for 20 minutes. The skin was so thin that it didn’t matter one bit, and the result was a gorgeous, tasty, simple, and nutritious dish. I mean, look at these. They’re a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach.

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